.. _integrations-jenkins: Jenkins integration =================== .. important:: Jenkins integration is only available in |RCEE|. Below are few examples how to use dedicated Jenkins integrations with |RCEE|. Configure Jenkins to check each commit after push ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to configure Jenkins to trigger a build on a project after each push we need to create a project that will allow triggering a build from external sources. In Jenkins, check `Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)` option. This gives now ability to trigger builds using an URL. .. image:: ../images/jenkins-build-with-parameters.png We also need to specify the parameters we're going to build the project with. In this example we'll use build with 3 parameters `COMMIT_ID`, `BRANCH_HEAD` and `BRANCH`. In Jenkins we need to add those 3 parameters, and check an option `This project is parameterised` .. image:: ../images/jenkins-adding-build-parameters.png Our final URL that |RCEE| Jenkins integration would use could look like this: This URL will be triggered for each pushed branch, and will include the branch head commit id. https://jenkins.server.com/job/test-build-commits/buildWithParameters?token=secret&BRANCH=${branch}&BRANCH_HEAD=${branch_head} Or we can also use commit_id in this case URL will be triggered for each pushed commit in the branch, and will include the commit id. https://jenkins.server.com/job/test-build-commits/buildWithParameters?token=secret&BRANCH=${branch}&COMMIT_ID=${commit_id} Now we have all the required information to fetch/checkout and test our project. We can write an example build common in Jenkins. .. image:: ../images/jenkins-build-command.png Below is an example of the integration page we used on |RCEE| side. .. image:: ../images/rhodecode-jenkins-integration-settings.png Configure Jenkins to check each pull-request on creation and updates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jenkins integration also allows checking created pull-requests inside |RCCE|. This is somehow a special case compared to testing commits. The pull-requests cannot be cloned from the repository. Instead |RCCE| exposes different links back to CI systems which store information on how to obtain the pull-request code. On |RCCE| side we need to create a new integration that would use only two events: - pullrequest created - pullrequest commits updated This will trigger the builds when pull-request is firstly created, and then each time pull-requests is updated and commits that it stores change. In Jenkins, we should create at least two new build string parameters. We could use `PR_ID` and `SHADOW_URL`. Using those parameters, we can then create a customized build command to checkout a merged state of pull-request. And later on using rhodecode-api notify about the checks using the `PR_ID`. .. image:: ../images/jenkins-pr-build-command.png There's even a helper script we created to send notifications. Here's how the build on success could look like in Jenkins. .. code-block:: bash # clone the ci-notify script, and save it into our $BUILD_TAG/notify directory hg clone https://code.rhodecode.com/ci-notify $BUILD_TAG/notify # execute the script. $RC_TOKEN is auth-token for API # url is your rhodecode instance, repoid is repository project which PR was opened # status could be "approved" or "rejected" python $BUILD_TAG/notify/notify.py \ --token $RC_TOKEN \ --url https://code.server.com \ --repoid my-example-project \ --prid $PR_ID \ --status "approved" \ --message "Build Succeeded: $BUILD_URL" Below is also an example that we could use on |RCCE| side in the Jenkins integration settings. A Jenkins Trigger url that exposes all required information back to Jenkins CI server: .. code-block:: bash http://jenkins.server.com/job/my-project-pull-request-tests/buildWithParameters?token=secret&PR_ID=${pull_request_id}&PR_TITLE=${pull_request_title}&SHADOW_URL=${pull_request_shadow_url}&PR_UID=${pull_request_commits_uid}