
Within RhodeCode Enterprise there are two types of supported hooks.

  • Internal built-in hooks: The internal Mercurial or Git hooks are triggered by different VCS operations, like push, pull, or clone and are non-configurable, but you can add your own VCS hooks, see Adding Custom Hooks.
  • User defined hooks: User defined hooks centre around the lifecycle of certain actions such are repository creation, user creation etc. The actions these hooks trigger can be rejected based on the API permissions of the user calling them.

Those custom hooks can be called using RhodeCode Tools, see RhodeCode Tools. To create a custom hook, see the Making your Extension listen for Events section.

Making your Extension listen for Events

To create a hook to work with a plugin or extension, you need configure a listener in the /home/user/instance-id/rcextensions/__init__.py file, and use the load_extension method.

Use the following example to create your extensions. In this example:

  • The hook is calling the ('my_post_push_extension.py') extension.
  • The hook is listening to RhodeCode Enterprise for pushes to repositories.
  • This highlighted code is the hook, and configured in the __init__.py file.
  • It is inserted into the def _pushhook(*args, **kwargs) section, if it is not in the default __ini__.py file, use the below non-highlighted section to create it.
 # ==========================================================================
 # ==========================================================================

 # this function will be executed after each push is executed after the
 # build-in hook that RhodeCode uses for logging pushes
 def _pushhook(*args, **kwargs):
     Post push hook
     kwargs available:

       :param server_url: url of instance that triggered this hook
       :param config: path to .ini config used
       :param scm: type of VS 'git' or 'hg'
       :param username: name of user who pushed
       :param ip: ip of who pushed
       :param action: push
       :param repository: repository name
       :param repo_store_path: full path to where repositories are stored
       :param pushed_revs: list of pushed revisions

     # Your hook code goes in here
     call = load_extension('my_post_push_extension.py')
     if call:
         # extra arguments in kwargs
         call_kwargs = dict()
         my_kw = {
             'reviewers_extra_field': 'reviewers',
             # defines if we have a comma
             # separated list of reviewers
             # in this repo stored in extra_fields
         call_kwargs.update(my_kw) # pass in hook args
         parsed_revs = call(**call_kwargs)
         # returns list of dicts with changesets data

     # Default code
     return 0
 PUSH_HOOK = _pushhook

Once your plugin and hook are configured, restart your instance of RhodeCode Enterprise and your event listener will triggered as soon as a user pushes to a repository.