Release History#

v5.15.0 (2024-07-26)#


  • status: added additional info to status –verbose –configs

  • version-info: added versions yaml file to expose synced way of latest releases to the release API


  • yaml: fixed yaml parsing

  • status: fixed call to –verbose and


  • configs: optimized config files for 5.1 install

  • docs: added info about isolation docs

  • version: bumped version and use bumpversion

v5.14.0 (2024-07-22)#


  • rcstack now will check for minimum docker and docker compose version

  • optimized startup order for faster feedback to the users

  • set-runtime-image is now set-image command (kept set-runtime-image as deprecated option)


  • documentation improvements


  • default install version is 5.1.1


  • improved various section of documentation

v5.13.1 (2024-07-18)#




release: set 5.1.0 as default installation method


v5.13.0 (2024-06-27)#


  • dev-tools, add –quiet-pull for dev-env

  • dev-tools, ensure demonized commands stay within process

  • commands, renamed set-runtime-image to set-image


  • minios3: fixes to the dev-env s3 minio instance


  • bumped nginx:1.27.0

  • bumped traefik:v2.11.4

  • updated 5.1 ini template

  • added sync-template to ignore


  • added stop dev env command

  • added s3 backend for development


  • added docs for outside docker mounts

  • added info about custom domain override

  • docker migration, mention remap&rescan for 5.1 as well

  • fixed set-runtime-image mentions to the new command

v5.12.1 (2024-06-17)#




release: set 5.0.3 as default installation method


v5.11.1 (2024-06-03)#




release: set 5.0.2 as default installation method


v5.11.0 (2024-05-31)#


  • services: improved startup health-checks


  • config: fixed redis configuration to be more flexible

  • configuration: no longer set smtp server as it’s leads to email sending error by default

  • nginx: fixed nginx static data detection and path misconfiguration



v5.10.1 (2024-05-23)#




  • release: set 5.0.1 as default installation method


v5.10.0 (2024-05-23)#


  • dev-tools: add image version logic for release images

  • healtcheck: use start_period/start_interval for faster HC checks

  • runtime-deps: added dependent apps to ensure proper startup order

  • svn-apache: optimize dirs, and remove documentRoot that can cause problems


  • nginx: fixed some edge cases issues with shared mounts on nginx

  • run-deps: cannot cross check for dependencies outside of apps


  • configs: fixed 5.1 default hooks backend

  • svn: bumped httpd service to 2.4.59


  • fixes some info about installation for custom rcstack

  • added more clarity on migration-to-docker data move

v5.9.0 (2024-05-14)#


  • self-update: updated strings/docs on self-update

  • self-update: added smarter upgrade logic for rcstack

  • self-update: added migration logic for self-update command

  • build-image: bumped python to 3.11.9

  • configs: allow per-version config logic, and ‘edge’ for others

  • db: db commands now support postgres and mysql

  • init: configure DB replicas according to select DB type

  • init: added option to accept EULA from CLI flag

  • installation: allow setting a custom DB and version to during installation

  • metrics: bumped metrics stack versions

  • router: bumped edge router traefik to 2.11 as it’s only supported now

  • dev-tools: fixed ee command for dev tools

  • dev-tools: allow non-interactive run of vcs/ce code for CI integration

  • dev-tools: allow source-dir config for better CI integration

  • dev-tools: updated various components for better UX/Debug


  • docs: updated docs and instructions

  • docs: fixed mixed up paths of git/hg large objects in docker migration

  • ini-config: store shared key in env to generate the proper data

  • runtime: don’t hardcode the version into template for runtime env

  • self-update: don’t leak DEBUG flag from semver

  • services: create a dedicated mysql data volume

  • static-sync: use rsync for better multi-node startup compatability

  • utils: fixed missing sed_func


  • dbs: bumped database deps

  • services: bumped library/nginx:1.25.5


  • added info about release channel to use

v5.8.0 (2024-04-17)#


  • redis: added –db flag to pick redis DB to connect to

  • router: allow proper ports override to specify custom ports on router.

  • dev-env: fast start celery/ssh on dev env, but replace them with code-based instances if they are started

  • dev-env: optimized celery/ssh dev instances startup options

  • dev-tools: allow running celery/celeryd for dev in more flexible ways


  • celery: use higher CLI value for max-tasks-per-child as a default for rcstack

  • celery: make sure celery workers get proper hostnames set for scaling

  • cli-tools: fixed issue with CLI tools selecting node for execution for older docker

  • db: fixed missing profiles for selecting different database type

  • dev-tools: fix SSH port bind on dev version of sshd server

  • dev-tools: make celeryd start with dev-env

  • docs: fixed error in docs syntax

  • docs: fixed ordering

  • docs: added info about SVN re-config when moving to Docker

  • docs: remove skip to content which is redundant

  • getting-started: added more explicit info how to start all using single command

  • svn: fixed default apache config


  • docker compose: remove file version strings as they are deprecated since new compose version

  • deps: use python 3.11.8 from now on

  • docs: added few extra inline comments on port changes on traefik

  • version: bumped to 5.8.0


  • updated docs with custom SSL ports and other fixes

  • fixed missing migration step that would make sure proper permissions are set on filesystem

  • dev: updated dev docs

  • install: updated docs for installation topics

  • migration: added intersphinx compat link to migration

  • scaling: updates scaling section to instruct how to scale ssh and celery

v5.7.0 (2024-01-31)#


  • cli-commands: cli commands now use compose execute for a consistent behaviour and user execute control

  • cli-commands: cli commands now allow to pass in –user flag to control which user executes the command

  • docs: added comprehensive full text search doc guide

  • dev-tools: allow running sshd on dev mode


  • build-image: fix presence of .rhoderc to improve UX when indexing on fresh installations

  • traefik: fixed bad letsencrypt acme storage path


  • self-update: small logging changes for self-update output

  • version: bumped version to 5.7.0


  • tools: small fixes for dev-tools


  • build: updated docs build image and templates

  • fix: fixed acme storage path example

  • misc: various docs improvements

v5.6.0 (2024-01-15)#


  • cli: added support to run without TTY for CLI commands

  • docker-upgrade: added a new option to upgrade docker system via rcstack on linux os.

  • upgrade: ensure docker compose gets upgraded on docker upgrade command

  • core: removed all build commands from rcstack, they are now part of dev-tools

  • dev-tools: refactor and rename CLI build commands


  • backup-db: backup-db now writes a backup to DESTINATION argument passed

  • docker-upgrade: added more info for compose upgrade


  • git-lfs: add latest git-lfs binary into docker image

  • docker-5: improve image building, added labels

  • release: standardize release changelog settings


  • deps: bumped metrics stack deps

  • deps: bumped redis to 7.2.4

  • version: version bump to 5.6.0

v5.5.0 (2023-12-28)#


  • cli: made reading from .runtime.env file error prone. Proper warning will be displayed once errors are found

  • stack-upgrade: change order of upgrade, sshd code should go before svn for faster and more reliable upgrade


  • backup: fixed backup commands not processing all volumes, but just last

  • build: fixed script to obtain build archives

  • dev-tools: make it more explicit to set WORKSPACE_HOME

  • docs-build: changes/adjustments for building docs

  • help: fixed stack upgrade help lines for CLI

  • stack-upgrade: stack-upgrade will work correctly when no previous containers were running


  • build: added static file checker during a build command


  • dev-build: added step-by-step instructions for dev env setup and for easier installation

  • develop: added dev docs to setup env for development

  • docs-build: fixed docs build how to

  • upgrade: explain how to avoid scale 2x on upgrade

  • docs: fixed docs warning

  • docs: fixed develop docs

  • docs: made it clear about changes on statsd TTL

v5.4.0 (2023-12-13)#


  • grafana: format IP addresses with fixed width for loki entries

  • self-update: added –update-docker-image to force set version from installer

  • ssh: allow fully custom ssh port for k8s setup

  • ssl: ensure all services get SSL enabled during init phase

  • status: add more information on status with –config flag


  • ssl: show properly how to enable mounts for custom traefik ssl

  • static-files: fixed missing JS plugins wiped during a build


  • router: bumped traefik to v2.10.7

  • services: bumped postgresql to 14.10

  • services: bumped redis to 7.2.3


  • tools: added better entrypoints to start dev envs


  • requirements: add info about basic requirements for hardware

  • ssl: cleanup example cert files names

v5.3.0 (2023-11-29)#


  • docker: added force docker upgrade and docker version commands

  • docs: build docs using docker image

  • docs: enabled google analytics on docs

  • grafana: updated grafana dashboard with better metrics

  • overrides: added example how to mount own source code on rhodecode

  • stack: added new cli cmd option to run a custom command on top of image

  • status: added -v flag to print some useful info on the stack status


  • docs: fixed ssh port in docs

  • elasticsearch: tune options for ES cluster to work properly under docker

  • init: fixed bug with sed on linux systems


  • pip: bumped pip version to 23.3.1


  • spelling: improve info about used commit on init/update


  • tools: set new version setting logic on top of dev-tools


  • configuration: added info about turning off elasticsearch

  • index: show latest version for index page

  • rcstack-help: fix instructions for getting rcstack at stable

  • ssl: improve ssl certificates docs

  • ssl: added info about troubleshooting the SSL certs

v5.2.0 (2023-11-08)#


  • os-support: beta support for OSX installation

  • compatability: used unified sed function for better OS compatability

  • install: improved logic of init script re-run with –force


  • docker-image: fixed symlink creation for svn and git


  • certs: fixed a missing blank .crt file allowing to specify custom certs

  • metrics: bumped metrics stack

  • services: bumped services stack

  • ssl: updated and stored default cert file bundle exposed inside containers


  • comments: added info about Loki auth format


  • dev-tools: improve starting dev images via docker


  • os-support: added information about supported OS

  • ssl: added information about ssl certificate handling for rcstack

  • upgrade: added information about faster upgrade

v5.1.0 (2023-11-02)#


  • core: moved the custom build files and definition to subfolders

  • core: fixed svn apps to not override by default SVN env variables


  • ignore: added extra ignore dirs in config


  • migration: added more comprehensive instructions for upgrade task

  • upgrade: added additional step for upgrade doc

v5.0.8 (2023-10-25)#


  • services: fixed healthcheck syntax to be more reliable


  • dependencies: bumped to traefik:v2.10.5

  • dependencies: bumped to library/redis:7.0.14


  • migration: updated migration guide

v5.0.7 (2023-10-23)#

  • docs: updated few instructions on image management

  • svn[bugfix]: fixed svn configs for custom build

  • svn: bumped httpd to .58

  • cli[bugfix]: fixed issue with runtime-image-info command

  • monitoring: fixed label position on grafana dashboard

v5.0.6 (2023-10-12)#

  • rcstack asks for EULA for CE/EE versions

v5.0.5 (2023-10-10)#

  • expose DOMAIN/_pages to expose “pages” like drop-folder to serve static pages

  • change documentation to RST

v5.0.4 (2023-09-29)#

  • rcstack: remove dependency for md5sum, this allows to run on macOS

  • nginx: cleanup configuration files to single conf file

v5.0.0 (2023-09-21)#

  • initial release for new python3 RhodeCode installer