Upgrade From RhodeCode Enterprise 1.x or 2.x


As of RhodeCode Enterprise 3.x all instances are managed through RhodeCode Control. You need to first Install RhodeCode Control on Linux or Install RhodeCode Control on Windows and then proceed with the information contained within this section.

Pre-requisite for MySQL

MySQL has two pre-requisites that should be addressed before upgrading to ensure that it goes smoothly.

  • Do not use localhost in the database connection string.
  • InnoDB must be the database engine

Setting MySQL Connection

To ensure that RhodeCode Control can properly import and upgrade your instance of RhodeCode Enterprise you need to make the following configuration change before you start.

  1. Open your production.ini file, the default location is ~/rhodecode/data for pre-2.2.7 versions.
  2. If you have localhost set, change the database connection string to specify the IP Address . See the following example for details.
  3. Once saved you can proceed with the import and upgrade steps.

# MySQL DB Connection
sqlalchemy.db1.url = mysql://root:qweqwe@localhost/rhodecode ## If localhost
sqlalchemy.db1.url = mysql://root:qweqwe@ ## Change to IP

Setting MySQL InnoDB Engine

Older versions of RhodeCode Enterprise such as versions 1.5 or 1.7 may be running with a MySQL database which uses MyISAM as the tables engine. RhodeCode Enterprise requires MySQL databases to use InnoDB as the tables engine.

To upgrade your MySQL database to use InnoDB as the tables engine, see the following example:

# To alter a table engine
ALTER TABLE <table_name> ENGINE=InnoDB;

# A one-liner for all tables
for t in `echo "show tables" | mysql --batch --skip-column-names rhodecode_database`;
    do mysql rhodecode_database -e "ALTER TABLE\`$t\` ENGINE = InnoDB;";

Pre-requisite for Licence Management


It is better to contact us before you upgrade so that you have a matching licence token/key pair. Otherwise upgrading from a 1x or 2x version to a RhodeCode Enterprise 3.x version could result in down time. For license inquiries, see the Licence Management section.

If you upgrade without a new licence key, your RhodeCode Enterprise instance will display a licence token on the following page: Admin – Settings ‣ License. Once upgraded, contact us with this licence token and we can send you the matching licence key.

If you have received a licence/token key pair, use the following instructions to configure them.

  1. Update the Licence Token in /home/user/.rccontrol/instance-id/rhodecode.ini
## generated license token, goto license page in RhodeCode settings to obtain
## new token
license_token = <add token here>
  1. Once the token has been changed, the licence key provided can be entered on the RhodeCode Enterprise Interface under Admin ‣ Setting ‣ Licence.


If you upgrade without a valid licence key, all users except Admin will be locked out of the new instance. If you cannot wait to contact us, you can run a new installation in parallel using a trial licence while maintaining your previous version, see Running Parallel Instances.

If you wish to upgrade your version of RhodeCode Enterprise from the command line, use the following steps.

  1. Stop your RhodeCode Enterprise Instance
  2. Import RhodeCode Enterprise into RhodeCode Control
  3. Install a VCS Server
  4. Upgrade to the latest RhodeCode Enterprise

Stop your RhodeCode Enterprise Instance

If you wish to use the same port for serving RhodeCode Enterprise, you should stop the running instance before continuing. Pre-2.2.5 versions took the following command syntax:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/rhodecode {start | stop | restart | status}

Import RhodeCode Enterprise into RhodeCode Control

Importing is a necessary step as RhodeCode Control now manages all of the dependencies needed for RhodeCode Enterprise.

To import RhodeCode Enterprise into RhodeCode Control, use the following steps.

  1. Identify the production.ini file that manages your current RhodeCode Enterprise installation. The default location is ~/rhodecode/data/.

  2. Use the rccontrol import command with the Enterprise argument, and specify the path to production.ini.

    RhodeCode Control uses this file to create a new /home/user/.rccontrol/instance-id/rhodecode.ini file. This imports your RhodeCode Enterprise settings and points your new instance to the original repository directory.

    The production.ini file also points to the RhodeCode Enterprise database, which contains your permissions and user management settings. RhodeCode Control imports this database and upgrades it as needed.

  3. During import, set a new port if prompted.

# Import your current version
$ rccontrol import Enterprise /home/{user}/rhodecode/data/production.ini
Parsing "/home/{user}/rhodecode/data/production.ini":
- host:
- port: 5000
- database: sqlite:////home/{user}/rhodecode/data/rhodecode.db?timeout=60
Port is not accessible
# Set a new port
# You will be asked for this if you don't stop your running instance
Port for the Enterprise server to use [5000]: 5500

Importing to instance: enterprise-2
Version detected: 2.2.3

Installing RhodeCode Enterprise

Install a VCS Server

You need to configure a VCS Server to run RhodeCode Enterprise 3.x with full functionality. If you install a VCS Server prior to installing RhodeCode Enterprise, it will automatically be connected to your instance during installation. If you need to manually configure the connection afterwards, see the Change VCS Server Settings section.

To install a VCS Server to work with your new instance of RhodeCode Enterprise, use the following example:

# Install a VCS Server for your instance
$ rccontrol install VCSServer

Agree to the licence agreement? [y/N]: y
IP to start the server on []:
Port for the server to start [10000]:
Creating new instance: vcsserver-1
Installing RhodeCode VCSServer
Extracting VCSServer ...
Configuring RhodeCode VCS Server ...
Supervisord state is: RUNNING
Added process group vcsserver-1

# Check the VCS Server details
$ rccontrol status

 - NAME: vcsserver-1
 - TYPE: VCSServer
 - VERSION: 3.5.0
 - URL:

Upgrade to the latest RhodeCode Enterprise

Once imported, you can now upgrade your instance to RhodeCode Enterprise using the rccontrol upgrade command.

If you require a specific version, specify it with the --version argument. You can also check the status of all running instances with the rccontrol status command.

Use the following example to upgrade to the latest version.

# Import original instance as explained above
$ rccontrol import Enterprise production.ini

# Install a VCS Server as explained above
$ rccontrol install VCSServer

# Check the status of them
$ rccontrol status

 - NAME: enterprise-1
 - TYPE: Enterprise
 - VERSION: 1.5.0
 - URL:

 - NAME: vcsserver-2
 - TYPE: VCSServer
 - VERSION: 3.5.0
 - URL:

# Upgrade from version 1.5.0 to 3.5.0
$ rccontrol upgrade enterprise-1 --version 3.5.0

Checking for available update for enterprise-1 @ 1.5.0
Stopped enterprise-1
Initiating upgrade to version 3.5.0

Note that RCE 3.x requires a new license please visit https://rhodecode.com/u/license-upgrade

Upgrade of RhodeCode Enterprise successful.
Auto starting enterprise-1