Quick Start Installation Guide#


These are quick start instructions. To optimize your RhodeCode Enterprise, RhodeCode Control, and RhodeCode Tools usage, read the more detailed instructions in our guides. For detailed installation instructions, see RhodeCode Control Documentation


If using a non-SQLite database, install and configure the database, create a new user, and grant permissions. You will be prompted for this user’s credentials during RhodeCode Enterprise installation. See the relevant database documentation for more details.

To get RhodeCode Enterprise up and running, run through the below steps:

  1. Download the latest RhodeCode Control installer from rhodecode.com/download. If you don’t have an account, sign up at rhodecode.com/register.

  2. Run the RhodeCode Control installer and accept the End User Licence using the following example:

$ chmod +x RhodeCode-installer-linux-*
$ ./RhodeCode-installer-linux-*

Do you accept the RhodeCode Control license?
Press [Y] to accept license and [V] to view license text: y


We recommend running RhodeCode as a non-root user, such as rhodecode; this user must have a proper home directory. Either log in as that user to install the software, or do it as root with sudo -i -u rhodecode ./RhodeCode-installer-linux-*

  1. Install a VCS Server, and configure it to start at boot.

$ rccontrol install VCSServer

Agree to the licence agreement? [y/N]: y
IP to start the server on []:
Port for the server to start [10005]:
Creating new instance: vcsserver-1
Installing RhodeCode VCSServer
Configuring RhodeCode VCS Server ...
Supervisord state is: RUNNING
Added process group vcsserver-1
  1. Install RhodeCode Enterprise or RhodeCode Community. If using MySQL or PostgreSQL, during installation you’ll be asked for your database credentials, so have them at hand. Mysql or Postgres needs to be running and a new database needs to be created. You don’t need any credentials or to create a database for SQLite.

 $ rccontrol install Community


 $ rccontrol install Enterprise

 Username [admin]: username
 Password (min 6 chars):
 Repeat for confirmation:
 Email: your@mail.com
 Respositories location [/home/brian/repos]:
 IP to start the Enterprise server on []:
 Port for the Enterprise server to use [10004]:
 Database type - [s]qlite, [m]ysql, [p]ostresql:
 PostgreSQL selected
 Database host []:
 Database port [5432]:
 Database username: db-user-name
 Database password: somepassword
 Database name: example-db-name
  1. Check the status of your installation. You RhodeCode Enterprise/RhodeCode Community instance runs on the URL displayed in the status message.

$ rccontrol status

- NAME: enterprise-1
- TYPE: Enterprise
- VERSION: 4.1.0
- URL:

- NAME: vcsserver-1
- TYPE: VCSServer
- VERSION: 4.1.0
- URL:


Recommended post quick start install instructions: