Set up Email#

To setup email with your RhodeCode Enterprise instance, open the default config/_shared/rhodecode.ini file and uncomment and configure the email section. If it is not there, use the below example to insert it.

Once configured you can check the settings for your RhodeCode Enterprise instance on the Admin ‣ Settings ‣ Email page.

Please be aware that both section should be changed the [DEFAULT] for main applications email config, and [server:main] for exception tracking email

; ########################################################################
; These settings will be used by the RhodeCode mailing system
; ########################################################################

; prefix all emails subjects with given prefix, helps filtering out emails
#email_prefix = [RhodeCode]

; email FROM address all mails will be sent
#app_email_from = rhodecode-noreply@localhost

#smtp_server =
#smtp_username =
#smtp_password =
#smtp_port =
#smtp_use_tls = false
#smtp_use_ssl = true

; Send email with exception details when it happens
#exception_tracker.send_email = true

; Comma separated list of recipients for exception emails,
; e.g,
; Can be left empty, then emails will be sent to ALL super-admins
#exception_tracker.send_email_recipients =